Syracuse Corvette Club Holiday Party 2021 at The Ramada by Wyndham, Liverpool, NY.
Photos by Fred Shattell
Vintage Races
September 10 – 11, 2021
Watkins Glen International
2790 County Route 16, Watkins Glen, NY
28th Annual Grand Prix Festival & Vintage Races at Watkins G

The 34th Annual Free State Corvette Club "Corvette Weekend" Friday October 15th thru Sunday, October 17th, in beautiful Ocean City, MD
The host hotel was the Clarion Resort Fountainebleu Hotel (10100 Coastal Highway in Ocean City, MD 21842). However, many of us stayed this year at the Comfort Inn Gold Coast (11201 Coastal Highway in Ocean City, MD 21842), just a short walk away. Many of us left early on Wednesday, October 13th and enjoyed what Ocean City had to offer.

Jordan Fall Festival
Sunday, September 19
9:00am – 3:00pm
The 75th Annual Jordan Fall Festival hosted its 44th Annual "Car, Bike N' Truck Show" on Sunday, September 19th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, on the Jordan Festival Grounds

Honor Flight Syracuse Mission 015
Sat, September 25
6:30pm – 7:00pm
Honor Flight Syracuse Mission 015 returns from Washington, DC on Saturday, September 25th, to Syracuse Hancock International Airport (1000 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard in Syracuse, NY 13212). We met in the south terminal at 6:15 pm to welcome home our military veterans, followed by dinner at a local restaurant.

6th Annual Syracuse Corvette Club to Le Moyne College “Family Day”
Sat. September 25
11:30am – 1:00pm
LeMoyne College Campus Center, 100 Springfield Rd, Syracuse
Met in the ShoppingTown Mall parking lot, on the north side of The Scotch ‘N Sirloin (3687 Erie Boulevard East in DeWitt, NY) at 10am, for a 10:15am group departure.

6th Annual Exotic Car Club Fall Brunch & Cruise
Sun, October 10, 10:30am – 3:00pm
Madison County Distillery
The 6th Annual "Exotic Car Club Fall Brunch" (hosted by SCC sponsors and members Howard & Lyndé LaFever)
Admission $25 per person and
included brunch, raffles and lots of FUN, followed by a beautiful Fall foliage cruise, led by Howard!! All proceeds benefitted the "Wounded Warrior Project", "CNYSPCA", and "Trees For Troops" charities.

Saturday, Sep 18, 2021
“Drive for Sight” Cruise
The Brewster Inn, 6 Ledyard Ave,
The Cazenovia Lions Club Annual "Drive for Sight" Cruise & Lunch (hosted by SCC member Howard LaFever) took place on Saturday, September 18th, with registration starting at 12 Noon at The Brewster Inn (6 Ledyard Avenue in Cazenovia, NY 13035). This is always a very fun and enjoyable event!!

Syracuse Corvette Club President, James Ennis, was totally surprised at the November 4th SCC meeting, when members began singing “Happy Birthday” and presented him with a beautiful birthday cake!! Very special thanks to Mary Lou Higgins, Deb Weaver and Linda West, for their thoughtfulness and kindness. It was very much appreciated!!
Our 4th Annual "Vettes for Pets" Event Sunday, August 15th, starting out at the CNYSPCA

Also in the news,
Four Onondaga County Sheriffs late Sunday morning apprehended a Corvette gang after a lengthy chase that started out near the CNYSPCA on Molloy Rd. in Syracuse and headed to Northern Blvd. where the gang tried to lose the Sheriffs on a high speed chase.
When they realized that that wasn't working, they attempted to shake them by making several quick changes in direction and heading through the village of North Syracuse where they attempted to lose them in some heavy traffic, which also failed.
They then again tried to lose them with a couple of more quick turns onto Morgan Rd. which led to yet another high speed chase. The Sheriffs finally caught up to the gang where they were hiding out at the Home Team Pub on Rt. 57 in Liverpool.
No civilian casualties or accidents were reported during this incident.
Submitted by Rick Janowski
Saturday, August 14th~ 9:00 am ~ East Syracuse Chevrolet “Corvette & Classic Car Show” at East Syracuse Chevrolet in East Syracuse, NY

Sunday, August 8th, "Fly-In Breakfast", at the Oswego County Airport
After a very long, COVID-related shutdown, we once again made our annual trek to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 486 "Fly-In Breakfast", at the Oswego County Airport in Fulton. Once there, we enjoyed "reserved" Corvette parking right on the taxiway in front of the hangar where breakfast was being served. The breakfast itself ran from 7:30 am to 11:00 am, but we met as a group at Great Northern Mall at 8:15 am, for a planned departure time of 8:30 am sharp, to caravan together to the airport.

Sunday, August 1st, Munson Williams Proctor Art Institute Annual "Invitational at Fountain Elms" Car Show
This year's prestigious event featured all 8 generations of the Corvette, as well as classics such as a Bugatti and a Pierce Arrow, to name a few. And, two of our own SCC members had their Corvettes featured in the C1 thru C8 Generations exhibit!! Former Club Governor Rick Janowski proudly exhibits his 1991 ZR1 C4 and current Club Secretary Fred Shattell showcased his 2015 C7 Coupe.

Saturday, July 17th ~ 6th Annual Exotic Car Club “Disneyland” Party at Howard & Lyndé LaFever’s in Morrisville, NY

Saturday, July 3
Syracuse Corvette Club to “Fourth of July” Parade in Hamilton, NY / 12:30pm

Saturday, June 19th, 9am - 12pm
Verillo Cars and Coffee
in Clifton Park, NY

Wednesday, June 16th
Cruise Night at the Brewster Inn on Beautiful Cazenovia Lake

Thursday, June 10th 5-8 pm
Corvette Cruisin' at Heid's, Liverpool

Friday, June 4th & Saturday, June 5th
20th Annual Allentown Area Corvette Club “Springfest” Corvette Show
at Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, PA ~ We cruised down on Friday morning, spent the night at hotel and returned home on Saturday after the show, with dinner stop in Binghamton, NY.

Saturday, May 23rd ~ Original Cruise Nite ~ Marathon, NY

Thursday, May 20th, 5-9 pm ~ The Pier, Brewerton
Thursday, May 13th ~ Heid’s “Corvette Cruisin"”

Saturday, May 8th ~ Judah’s “Stuffed Animal Drive”

~ Meet at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (210 Hazel Street in Liverpool, NY 13088) parking lot (corner of Hazel & Tamarack Streets) at 1:00 pm, for a planned 1:15 pm departure to the drop-off site. ~ Judah is a 10-year old child who wanted to do something nice for others. She is the granddaughter of longtime SCC members and club sponsors, Scott & Fran Stefanco (Edward Jones). Please bring a new stuffed animal to this event to be donated to the various Salvation Army Shelters. We will plan on a fun Corvette cruise together immediately following this event.